Quick Start
Once you have installed and activated Secondary Title, you can use the plugin in three different ways:
In your dashboard, head to Settings → Secondary Title and activate the "Auto show" function.
Use the input field below to configure how post titles on your website should look like. The placeholder %title%
displays the original title, %secondary_title%
the secondary title of the current post. You may use HTML and inline CSS to style the output (click here for examples).
After saving the page, all titles will be displayed according to your title format.
With shortcodes
The secondary title of a post can be easily displayed inside your post content via the following shortcode:
You can configure the output by using the available attributes.
Secondary Title comes with intuitive PHP functions that allow developers to have full control of the secondary title. To simply display the secondary title of a post in your post page, use the following function:
<?php echo get_secondary_title(); ?>
Learn more about Secondary Title's PHP functions in the "Functions" section.