Movie Details Functions

Movie Details comes with a set of PHP functions which are designed to allow developers to easily implement movie data into their website. The list below shows the most important functions.

Available Functions

md_get_movie($imdb_id_or_title, $options)

  • $imdb_id_or_title (string): Movie title or its corresponding ID on
  • $options (array):
    • cache: (bool) Cache movie details in MySQL database. Default: true

Returns: (object) MD_Movie object


    $movie_title = "Gone Girl";
    $movie       = md_get_movie($movie_title, $options);

    echo "The movie " . $movie->title . "was released in " . $movie->released ".";

md_get_movie_detail($imdb_id_or_title, $movie_detail)

  • $imdb_id_or_title (string): Movie title or its corresponding ID on
  • $movie_details (string): A movie detail. See the "Movie Details" page for a list of available names

Returns: (string | array | int | bool) Value of the movie detail


    $movie_imdb_id = "tt2421662";
    $movie_detail = "directors";
    $directors = md_get_movie($movie_imdb_id, $movie_detail);

    echo "<ul>";

    foreach($directors as $director) {
        <li><?php echo $director; ?><li>

    echo "</ul>";

md_get_movie_details($imdb_id_or_title, $movie_details)

  • $imdb_id_or_title (string): Movie title or its corresponding ID on
  • $movie_details (array): Array specifying the movie details that should be returned

Returns: (array) Array containing the movie details and their values


results matching ""

    No results matching ""